Monday, February 6, 2012

New Plan for the Blog

This blog was once just a compost heap of ideas for a playwriting class I was taking Winter 2010. I'm not a very consistent, believing, or creative writer in any genre, let alone plays, but I have a new goal: to write one song every day for a month, compiled here, without judgement, ire, or apology (although I may post critical notes on the songs sometime). Because my life is nuts, the songs will be simple and short, and I won't have the time to hate it before uploading it for public enjoyment/ridicule. It's an experiment in constriction. Maybe my creativity will take flight when I jump off a mountain and Bradburyishly build my wings on the way down. Starting today.

Please leave a comment on song-posts that you have a strong reaction to or some constructive criticism for. I want whatever feedback exists.

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