Monday, January 19, 2015

Scene Practice: Turquoise & Banada

I'm bad at deciding why characters want something and how they try to get it. I may prize nonsense and minutia over storytelling as a way to get out of it. I like this scene, but it suffers from those "what's the point" problems.

Turquoise: I brought you soup. 
Banada: Chicken?
T: Avacado cream.
B: What the hell?
T: It's all they had.
B: This is extravagant. Thank you. Have a bite.
T: (refusing) Please. (Replaces a flower in a vase on dresser while B stays in bed slurping.) You're a goddamn loud eater.
B: I'm sick.
T: Then you've been sick your whole life.
B: Times are changing. People don't need to eat quietly anymore.
T: It's a courtesy.
B: If we were heads of state negotiating peace during wartime, I'd eat this very quietly and I'd make a wonderful impression on you.
T: Mom's back in town, so consider it wartime.
B: God. Mom. Where's she staying?
T: I put her in your place.
B: What the hell, Turk!
T: You're not using it.
B: I was. I can't now. How'd you even get in?
T: I have a key.
B: You… how'd you get a key?
T: I made a copy two days ago when you were unconscious.
B: Oh my god! 
T: She's gotta stay somewhere, Bana.
B: You take her!
T: She's moved in, unpacked.
B: Move her out!
T: She had her vanity brought down, it's already in your living room.
B: You're kidding.
T: It was too big for the bedroom.
B: So what? I'll move it out. I'll throw it out the gaddamn window.
T: It's bolted to the wall. 
B: (narrows eyes)
T: She had a young man who bolted to the wall, to studs in the wall, with a crazy bolt machine. She was thorough.
B: She's moving in permanently. I can never go back.
T: She took your room.
B: I need you to get my box of love letters out of there before mom finds them.
T: (hands him box) Already done.
B: Nice. You're a good brother.

T: Please.

Monday, December 16, 2013


I'm going to reappropriate this blog again. Initially it was for storing notes for a playwriting class. Then I briefly used it to facilitate songs for a Song-A-Day project. Now I want to use it for a couple new projects:

- Nights of the Radiotable, a podcast of people doing improv scenes radio-play style.
- Tablet Time Improv, me doing improv scenes with a special guest, performed at random moments and captured on my ipad.
- Maybe other songs I write.

I just wanna do stuff and I wanna put it somewhere.

Thursday, February 9, 2012


Song Four, "Met with the End"

Spoon-inspired, super short, a little over a minute long, not unlike some of their earlier work. Scroll down to the "song one" post to check it out! This also fills the purevolume max of four songs than can be accessed on the player, so something may change with this format I'm using. For some reason I want all the songs to be available and listenable on this blog, rather than just re-directing somewhere else. We'll see.